Live Generously
"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously."
2 Corinthians 9:6
Giving acknowledges that everything we have is provided by God, so we give gratefully, and not out of compulsion or guilt. And we give so others can experience the same love, grace, forgiveness, and healing that we have received.
If you’d like to give from a Costa Rican bank, use the following bank information:
Asociación Fraternidad Cristiana de Escazu
Cédula Jurídica 3-002-103176
IBAN account $: CR30010200009591773202 Cuenta BAC: 959177320
IBAN account Colones: CR25010200009591773389 Cuenta BAC: 959177338
SINPE móvil 8373-3102
We also accept SINPE MOVIL. You can send funds in colones to the phone number: 8373-3102. Please be sure to include any notes in the “detalle” section.