Our Ministries


Live out our faith in Jesus Christ.

Each of you should whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

~ 1 Peter 4:10


Worship Ministry

Our vision is to create an environment in each Sunday service where the Holy Spirit has the opportunity to draw us closer to Jesus. For more information contact Caro Amador at 8950-5661.

Kids Ministry

Our vision is to help shape the lives of our children into the image of Jesus. We do this by creatively encouraging children to learn Scripture, engage in positive Christ-honoring community, and participate in fun-filled learning activities. For more information contact Jenifer Palacios at +1 (949) 500-8909.


We are committed to pray without ceasing. We believe ECF should never move forward any faster than we can move forward on our knees in prayer. Our prayer team prays for weekly prayer requests throughout the week and has a time of pointed prayer before every service. For more information contact Pam Bond at 7071-2765.

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Groups Ministry

From Connection Groups that gather monthly to enjoy a meal and fellowship, to Rooted, our discipleship experience, there is a place for everyone to connect with others. Learn more on the Connect page.


High School Ministry

Our desire is that our young people connect more deeply with God and with other life-minded high school students. Please contact Abdiel Chacon at 8652-3409 for more information about meeting times and locations.

Young Adult Ministry

College-age young adults face a myriad of challenges in today’s culture. The vision of our young adult ministry is to connect with other young adults and to address openly and honestly sincere questions. Contact Caro Amador at 8950-5661 for more information.



10% of all monies given to ECF are designated for our Missions Ministry. Our vision is to take the gospel to “Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) For more information contact Michael Wicker at +1 (407) 476-3118.